Unfortunately the Covid restrictions which are currently in place in Barcelona would preclude the holding of the dinner which had been scheduled to be held at the Tapa Tapa restaurant.
There is also concern that the seminar at the World Trade Centre may also place some people at risk. The risk has therefore been taken, in the interest of safety, to once again postpone the seminar to 2022 – Thursday 15th September.
This decision affects only the events arranged by Europulp/Utipulp – the seminar at the World Trade Centre and the dinner at Tapa Tapa restaurant. Any privately arranged meetings should remain unaffected by this decision.
Please address any enquiries to the secretary Jenny Barrow at europulpsec@outlook.com
20124 Milano - Via V. Pisani, 5 (Italy) Tel.: +39 02 66.72.141 - Fax: +39 02 66.97.159 E-mail: info@wpauly.com
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